4 datasets found

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  • TVRegCM_r11221 Results.

    Produced output with the following model configuration: model_icbc_data_source = EIN15 model_sst_data_source = ERSST lateral_boundary_condition_scheme = 5...
  • TVRegCM WorkFlow

    Once a model RegCM installed you will able to configure it as you want. In this workflow is given the main example for some of the available options of the model and it is setup...
  • TVRegCM_r11255 Results

    Produced output with the following model configuration: model_icbc_data_source = EIN15 model_sst_data_source = ERSST lateral_boundary_condition_scheme = 5...
  • Simulation of aerosol optical thickness and surface dust concentration

    DREAMCLIMATE dataset for period of 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2013. It includes data for aerosol optical thickness and surface dust concentration produced by Dust REgional Atmospheric...